Diagnostic technology and new surgical techniques have broadened dental horizons, but it is still the caring attitude and concern for our patients that is most important. While there have been significant advancements in periodontal therapy, there is no cure for gum disease. Even after successful, corrective therapy and surgical intervention, your gum disease can recur. For the majority of patients with periodontal disease (~90%), regular periodontal maintenance cleanings have proven to be effective in preventing recurrence of gum disease. This phase is an essential part of treatment. Often, this can be the most important part of your therapy.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Our hygiene mission at North Texas Periodontics & Implantology is to propel our patients toward optimum oral & systemic health utilizing the best techniques, technology, and education available to us.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Community Service in Action!

Kay and Erika volunteering to place sealants on most willing second graders. Annette, a senior dental hygiene student from TWU, was a fabulous assistant.

A lot of kids have never been to a dentist and have cavities in some of their baby teeth. By placing sealants on the permanent molars, they have a much better chance of remaining free of decay well into their adult life.

The sealant program is sponsored by Christian Community Action. Grants and donations pay for supplies. Local dentists, hygienists, and assistants volunteer to check kids teeth and seal the ones most vulnerable to decay. It is a great way to support the community and educate kiddos about good oral health.